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Signing Agent Tip: What to do when loan documents arrive late

Signing Agent Tip: What to do when loan documents arrive late Updated 10-4-23. If you are a Notary Signing Agent long enough, you will experience a time where loan documents arrive in your inbox later than you would like. Ultimately, documents that don’t arrive on time may make you late to a signing appointment, or worse yet, also delay you from making additional signings scheduled that day. As a Signing Agent mentor, I'm often asked, “How should a Signing Agent handle getting late loan documents?” While there are several things you should do, they all revolve around one vital concept: Communicate, communicate, communicate. Understand why loan documents arrive late Before you understand how to deal with late loan documents it's important to understand WHY you get loan documents late in the first place. This will help you understand how to handle these situations. It’s not because the signing service doesn't care. They don't want you to be late to the appointment any more than you do, because that makes them look bad. The most important thing to know about a signing appointment is that ANYONE in the process can schedule it — the escrow officer, the loan officer, a Realtor, and yes, even you as the Notary. The second thing to know, and arguably more important, is that anyone can schedule the signing appointment WITH or WITHOUT loan docs actually being at the title office. Here’s an example: At 10 a.m. the loan officer can tell the escrow officer that the borrower wants to sign loan docs at 5 p.m. that day (because the borrower told the loan officer that was the only time they would be available). The loan officer then promises that the loan documents will be at their office by noon. So the escrow officer tells the signing service to find and assign a Notary for 5 p.m. that day, and you happen to be the Notary they assign. BUT!!!! Noon arrives and you haven’t received the loan documents. You patiently wait until it’s 3 p.m., and you’re stressed out because you know you still have to print the docs and drive in traffic, and you have to leave by 4:15 p.m. to make the 5 p.m. appointment. So what do you do? Be empathetic and understanding. No one wanted this situation. The lender is stressed because they don't want to lose a $5,000 commission due to missing the window that the client can sign. The escrow company is stressed because they don't want an upset client. And the signing service owner is frantically awaiting loan docs to send to you. It's the biggest mistake to think that the signing service isn’t stressed out. (I’m speaking from experience as I, too, am an owner of a signing service.) Escrow and the signing service’s worst nightmare is that you cancel this appointment because loan documents are late. They will mean they have to scramble for another NSA even though they have told everyone involved there is a Notary already assigned to the signing appointment. This is where your communication kicks in. Be PROACTIVE in communicating with everyone involved with the signing as well as others who may be affected by the late docs. Let’s stick with the example where it’s 3 p.m., and you still do not have loan documents for your 5 p.m. appointment. Send a reminder to bring the file to top of mind The first thing you want to do is email the signing service and ask them if they are expecting the documents anytime soon. This brings your file back to top of mind, and they will email the escrow officer and remind them that the signing is 2 hours. Now let's say it's 3:30, and you still don’t have loan documents. At this point you will want to pick up the phone and remind the signing service that you need docs by 4:00 p.m. to get the appointment on time. If they don’t answer, leave a voicemail then email again. Communicate with the borrower If it’s 4 p.m. and it’s apparent that you will be late, offer to call the borrower yourself to let them know that the lender had a delay getting the documents together and that you will be running late. Communicate your availability to complete the signing if docs come in a lot later It is also good to let the signing service know if you have other signing appointments that could impact your availability to complete the signing if they loan documents come in much later. In this example, if you have a second appointment at 6:30 p.m., let the signing service know that the earliest you could reschedule is after the 6:30 appointment if you don’t get docs on time for the original 5 p.m. signing. Be open to re-assignment if you can’t do it later If loan documents come in so late that it’s affecting your next appointment(s), and you’re unable to reschedule for a later time that works for the borrower, then you could let the signing service know that you understand if they need to reassign a Signing Agent to accommodate a time that does work for the borrowers. When you are understanding and flexible in this way, you will gain their respect and trust for future business. Communicate, communicate, communicate If you don’t have loan documents when you expect them, and your appointment is approaching, the key is to communicate. Communicate as often as you can with all parties involved. Communicating relieves stress for you and for everyone in the process and will help you get more business. It's really that simple. There's no need to be overwhelmed or anxious. Just communicate your schedule with the signing service and let the borrower know you will be running late because you don't have docs. It's really that easy. There will be days as a Signing Agent where things are out of your control. That's called owning a business. Remember, no one is purposefully withholding loan documents. This is a normal occurrence given the way that signing appointments get scheduled. And lastly, this is your business that you run. If a client is always giving you late docs, it's okay to choose not to work with them any longer. Do what is best for your business, always communicate, and you will build a huge business.



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