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Notary Law Tracking

Cohen (D)Provisions of the Uniform Parentage Act

Relates to parentage; adopts provisions of the Uniform Parentage Act; revises provisions relating to the establishment of a parent and child relationship and the presumption of parentage; establishes provisions concerning the voluntary acknowledgment of parentage and denial of parentage by certain persons; authorizes the State Board of Health to adopt regulations relating to an acknowledgment of parentage or denial of parentage.

Analysis: 1. Authorizes a person who gave birth to a child and an alleged genetic parent of the child, intended parent as specified under Nevada law or this act, or presumed parent to sign an acknowledgment of parentage to establish the parentage of the child.

2. Authorizes a presumed parent or alleged genetic parent tosign a denial of parentage.

3. Requires the acknowledgment of parentage or denial of parentage to be attested by an Electronic Notary Public or other notarial officer, or signed by at least 1 witness.

4. Takes effect October 1, 2023.

Issue: Notarized Documents


  • Vetoed by GOVERNOR.

Legislative Operations and Elections CmtElections

Relates to elections; defines the term inaugural committee; requires an inaugural committee to report certain contributions and expenditures; requires a candidate who is elected to a constitutional office to report certain contributions and expenditures for a certain period preceding the election and preceding the next regular legislative session; prohibits a foreign national form making a contribution or commitment to make a contribution to an inaugural committee.

Analysis: 1. Requires an independent candidate for partisan office to sign and have notarized a declaration of candidacy.

2. Provides a declaration of candidacy form.

3. Takes effect July 1, 2023.

Issue: Elections


  • Vetoed by GOVERNOR.

Flores (D)Document Preparation Services

Relates to document preparation services; authorizes a document preparation service to use the name of the Department of Motor Vehicles in an advertisement under certain circumstances; requires, under certain circumstances, a document preparation service to request an amended registration from the Secretary of State; makes it unlawful for a person to represent himself or herself as a document preparation service if the person is not registered as a document preparation service.

Analysis: 1. Authorizes a document preparation service to use the term "Department of Motor Vehicles" or "DMV" in an advertisement under certain conditions, as specified.

2. Requires a document preparation service to submit to the Secretary of State a request for an amended registration of a form provided by the Secretary when the registrant changes his or her mailing address, county of residence, or place of business or employment within 30 days after making the change and providing the new information.

3. Authorizes the Secretary of State to suspend a document preparation service registration of a registrant who fails to notify the Secretary of a change of mailing address, county of resident or place of business or employment.

4. Requires a document preparation service registrant to submit to the Secretary of State a request for an amended registration on a form provided by the Secretary if the registrant changes his or her name and the registrant intends to use that new name in performing document preparation services within 30 days of the change, including the new name and address of the registrant and a fee of $10.

5. Provides it is unlawful for a person to: (a) represent himself or herself as a document preparation service if the person has not registered as a document preparation service, or if his or her registration is expired, revoked or suspended or is otherwise not in good standing or (b) submit an application for registration as a document preparation service that contains a substantial and material misstatement or omission of fact.

6. Provides that the civil penalty for a person representing himself or herself as a document preparation service if the person has not registered as a document preparation service, or if his or her registration is expired, revoked or suspended or is otherwise not in good standing is not more than $1,000 for each violation, plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

7. Authorizes the Secretary of State to request to Attorney General to bring an action to enjoin any violation of a person representing himself or herself as a document preparation service if the person has not registered as a document preparation service, or if his or her registration is expired, revoked or suspended or is otherwise not in good standing, and recover any penalties, attorney’s fees and costs.

8. Authorizes any person aware of a violation by a document preparation service or person applying for registration as a document preparation service to file a complaint with the Secretary of State.

9. Requires any advertisement for services of a document preparation service disseminated or caused to be disseminated by a registrant must include a prescribed notice, as specified, in the same language as the rest of the advertisement and in a conspicuous size.

10. Sets forth certain penalties, as specified for a registrant who is guilty of a violation for not including the prescribed notice, as specified, in an advertisement for services.

11. Sets forth penalties, as specified if a document preparation service registrant

(a) retains any fees or costs for services not performed or costs not incurred after the date of last service performed for a client; (b) makes certain promises, or statements; (c) uses certain terms in an advertisement or written description of the registrant or services provided by the registrant; (d) represents himself or herself as a paralegal or legal assistant; (e) with certain exceptions, negotiates concerning the rights or responsibilities of a client; (f) with certain exceptions, appears on behalf of a client in a court proceeding or other formal adjudicative proceeding; (f) with certain exceptions, provides certain advice, explanations, opinions or recommendations to a client; or (g) seeks or obtains from a client a waiver of any provision of law relating to document preparation services.

12. Provides that if a registrant within a reasonable period of time fails to provide the Secretary of State with any information requested by the Secretary of State during an investigation of an alleged violation by the registrant, the Secretary may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the registration of the registrant.

13. Authorizes the Secretary of State to suspend or revoke the registration of a document preparation service pending a hearing if the Secretary of State believes it is in the public interest or is necessary to protect the public.

14. Takes effect July 1, 2023.

Issue: Miscellaneous


  • SENATE concurred in ASSEMBLY amendments.

  • To enrollment.

  • *****To GOVERNOR.

  • Signed by GOVERNOR.

  • Chaptered. Chapter No. 242

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